Analysis of Child Brain With Arts Education Vs Wihout


Arguing in favor of far transfer from music lessons to academic achievement remains difficult (Ho et al., 2003; Costa-Giomi, 2004; Schellenberg, 2006; Degé et al., 2011; Moreno et al., 2011; Tsang and Conrad, 2011; Rodrigues et al., 2013; Roden et al., 2014; Dumont et al., 2017; Holochwost et al., 2017). Researchers comparing musical with not-musical groups have ended that personality traits, as well as economic status, can contribute to the reason participants have up music training, implying possible advantages in cognitive functions and therefore motivation to follow music lessons (Corrigall et al., 2013). Analyzing far transfer in randomized controlled longitudinal studies withal, has minimized factors like abode back up, socioeconomic status, available resources, peer-to-peer interaction, or musical aptitude (Roden et al., 2013). Nonetheless proving a possible far transfer upshot from music teaching to academic achievement remains a difficult chore. In that location seems to be piddling evidence that musical skills transfer directly to, for example, mathematics or language (Mehr et al., 2013; Dumont et al., 2017; Kraus and White-Schwoch, 2017; Sala and Gobet, 2017). The prime candidate when analyzing a possible far transfer consequence from music skills to cognitive functioning and academic achievement appears to be executive functions. The sub-division of executive functions (EF also known as cognitive command or executive command) such as initiation, planning, attention, inhibition and working memory (Corrigall et al., 2013; Mehr et al., 2013; Roden et al., 2013; Sala and Gobet, 2017) play a crucial function in general cognitive processes (Engle, 2002; Slevc et al., 2016). Researchers take concluded that an increment in intelligence scores and thus academic skills was mediated past higher performances on EF tasks in children receiving music lessons (Degé et al., 2011). These studies, however, take received a fair amount of criticism as the human relationship between music, intelligence, and academic skills was not made clear. Reasons for this were plant in children existence neither matched at baseline nor randomized. This could imply that children with a higher IQ may also have increased executive functioning skills, which might enable them to persist in their music studies thereby benefiting from a possible long-term result of music on EF. Additionally, umbrella terms were used to describe executive functioning. These did not let for a structured analysis of related sub-functions such equally inhibition, planning or working memory.

Zuk et al. (2015), have investigated the neural correlates of executive functioning in both adult and child musicians and non-musicians with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and neuropsychological testing. Their results take shown increased activation in the areas of the brain traditionally associated with EF regions, like the ventro-lateral and the medial prefrontal cortex in child musicians. The authors conclude that a direct connection between neural correlates of EF and musical skills is highly possible given the extended demand of planning, attending, working memory, and inhibition when playing or singing. While investigating this relationship, Roden et al. (2013, 2014) take compared an active music group to a science grade group and concluded that the music grouping increased on auditory working retentivity capacity over a period of xviii months. The authors stressed however, that these results take to exist interpreted with caution every bit they have used a quasi-experimental design without randomization of participants. Furthermore, they suggest that children receiving music lessons only improve in music related cognitive domains such as auditory working retention, supporting a well-nigh but not a far transfer effect. Costa-Giomi (2004) has researched the effect of 3 years of piano lessons on bookish achievement and self-esteem in 117 quaternary course children. Fifty-fifty though cocky-esteem has significantly improved there was no transfer event to bookish achievement in this group. Farther, researchers have investigated a possible far transfer effect from music lessons to mathematical abilities in 5-year-old children (Mehr et al., 2013). Children were randomly assigned to either a music program where they sang songs, danced, and played with shakers and/or sticks or to a visual arts group. The authors institute no significant difference between both groups on tests associated with mathematical skills, thus no far transfer from music to mathematics (Mehr et al., 2013). Contrary to these findings, a recent study has investigated a possible transfer from music education to bookish achievement in a 3-year follow-up in eleven and xiv-year-quondam children (dos Santos-Luiz et al., 2015). Controlling for intelligence, socioeconomic status, and motivation, the authors have found evidence of a far transfer upshot from music education to increased Portuguese language skills and marks in natural scientific discipline. The same report still, has found a weaker transfer relationship with history and geography and transfer was least pronounced to mathematics and English language skills.

In sum, inconclusive results (Detterman, 1993; Halpern, 1998; Barnett and Ceci, 2002; Engle, 2002; Ho et al., 2003; Costa-Giomi, 2004; Schellenberg, 2006; Degé and Schwarzer, 2011; Degé et al., 2011; Moreno et al., 2011; Tsang and Conrad, 2011; Rickard et al., 2012; Corrigall et al., 2013; Mehr et al., 2013; Roden et al., 2013, 2014; Rodrigues et al., 2013; Benz et al., 2015; dos Santos-Luiz et al., 2015; Flaugnacco et al., 2015; Zuk et al., 2015; Slevc et al., 2016; Swaminathan and Schellenberg, 2016; Dumont et al., 2017; Holochwost et al., 2017; Kraus and White-Schwoch, 2017; Sala and Gobet, 2017) often observe their origin in being gear up up as correlational. Investigations using a longitudinal design are often quasi-experimental designs lacking randomization (Roden et al., 2014) or employ not-active control groups (Engle, 2002; Ho et al., 2003; Costa-Giomi, 2004; Schellenberg, 2006; Degé et al., 2011; Moreno et al., 2011; Tsang and Conrad, 2011; Rodrigues et al., 2013; Roden et al., 2014; Slevc et al., 2016; Dumont et al., 2017; Holochwost et al., 2017). In light of these cryptic findings, three recent reviews (Benz et al., 2015; Dumont et al., 2017; Sala and Gobet, 2017) accept shown that research into the effects of music interventions on cognitive skills, even though promising, yet demand more randomized longitudinal studies to support a positive claim.

To address this issue, we investigated the influence of a structured music education program in main school children with a block randomization longitudinal blueprint. Arts programs were introduced into the school curriculum to accomplish every student in the participating groups. The music group was compared to an active visual arts control also as a no arts control group. It is hypothesized therefore that music teaching will improve EF sub-functions i.due east., inhibition, planning, and working retentivity, thus supporting a far transfer effect to academic achievement. We take chosen these executive sub-functions as they are needed for both academic tasks and learning how to play music or sing (Detterman, 1993; Halpern, 1998; Barnett and Ceci, 2002; Roden et al., 2013; Swaminathan and Schellenberg, 2016; Dumont et al., 2017; Sala and Gobet, 2017).



The design of the present longitudinal report was a block randomization controlled trial with repeated measures across 3 groups: MUSIC, VISUAL ARTS, and NO ARTS. A quaternary group, MUSIC + was added post-hoc to our information collection for inclusion into statistical analysis and was therefore non an option in the randomization procedure every bit described hither.

MOCCA, an proficient center for creating and applying arts-based and general educational programs selected principal schools across the netherlands from an extensive database of Dutch primary schools. All 153 schools from this database were assigned identification numbers. These numbers were forwarded to an independent administration worker. S/he has randomly selected half dozen1 identification numbers, i.e., schools, to be included into our study using the RAND function in Microsoft® Excel. Finally, MOCCA assigned two schools (blocks) to i of the iii conditions: 2 schools to the music intervention, two schools to the visual arts intervention and two schools to the no arts control. Participants followed the regular Dutch schoolhouse curriculum for principal schools and take received the music or visual arts intervention as supplementary to the regular curriculumtwo. The researchers were blind to the selection procedure.


Initially N = 230 participants across six chief schools were approached to participate, North = 176 were tested at baseline (52.4% girls) with a mean historic period of M age = 6.4 years, SD = 0.65. According to Menard (ed.) et al. (Menard, 2007), a 15% driblet-out charge per unit for longitudinal designs could be expected due to personal or geographical reasons. Missing values i.e., incomplete exam results, sickness of the participants at any testing moment or unexpected termination of the test were excluded from the last data analysis. Throughout all testing moments outliers were identified as whatsoever score on any exam which could be classified every bit outside the outer fences of the exam as cross checked within the used statistical software3.

The baseline sample was divided into four groups and, afterward bookkeeping for missing values, outliers and drib outs (Figure 2), the final analysis was performed over N = 147 participants: (ane) MUSIC + (N = 38; M historic period = 6.iii, SD = 0.52) music intervention with prior music knowledge (individual instrumental lessons exterior of the regular schoolhouse curriculum M = 3.v months, SD = 0.89 and continued these in parallel with our music intervention); (2) Music intervention no prior Music knowledge MUSIC (N = 42; One thousand historic period = 6.iv, SD = 0.44), (iii) VISUAL ARTS (Due north = 29; K age =, SD = 0.48), and (4) NO ARTS control (N = 37; M age = 6.2, SD = 0.73).

Exclusion criteria were set at the inability to perform neuropsychological testing due to dyslexia, dyscalculia, severe deafness, and blindness or insufficient motor command of both arms equally well as children in either control condition (VISUAL or NO ARTS) who received individual music lessons.

Informed consent was obtained from parents or legal representatives prior to the study.

This inquiry has been approved by the Medical Ethical Commission of the VU University Medical Centre Amsterdam as well as the VU University Science and Ethics board.


Nine participants apply medication (Zomacton, Movicolon, Ventolin, Zyrtec, Aerius, D-Amo-10.Z., Broxil, and Flixotide), notwithstanding these were not excluded from testing (medication had to the authors' knowledge no influence on the administered tests).


Participants were matched for inclusion into statistical assay using variables from our intake-questionnaire. Matching criteria obtained from the questionnaires were parents' socio-economical status, medication, and prior medical issues every bit well equally exposure to a musically enriched environment. Additionally, identification of strengths and weaknesses of participants (strengths and difficulties questionnaire SDQ-Dut; Goodman, 2001), advantage and punishment sensitivity in children with ADHD SPSRQ-C (Goodman, 2001), possible traits of loftier-functioning autism (Autism Quotient for children; Auyeung et al., 2008), and ADHD (Strengths and weakness of ADHD-symptoms and normal behavior, SWAN; Luman et al., 2008), formed function of this intake questionnaire. These were added to ensure the results were not skewed past possible pathologies.

Furthermore, the socio-economical background of participants was assessed past the highest education level of both parents, whereby all parents have scored in a higher place secondary school level.

Participants were followed over a period of two.5 years and identical neuropsychological tests were administered every six months (T0 – T4). To minimize a possible learning upshot, the tests increased progressively in difficulty e.g., increase in items to be remembered or moved (see details under specific test).

Neuropsychological Test Battery

The analysis of executive functions covers a broad range of such functions. Our focus was on planning, inhibition, short term retention, and working retentivity. All of these tests were administered past using an iPad two or 3 running iOS vii or higher (screen size 9.7 inch, 1,024 × 768, 132 ppi, multitouch) minimizing researcher bias. These tests stand for the traditional "pen and paper" and "manual tests" and were coded past programming specialists and the researchers in Apple script with Apple Developer Xcode half dozen software.

All tests, with exception of the Tower of London (see sub-section ToL), were scored co-ordinate to the validation and scoring criteria as stated in each testing manual or handbook. These criteria were translated into the computerized versions used here. All output information use customized algorithms to present results in terminal scores per test, test trial, and participant.

Planning: Belfry of London (ToL)

Planning was tested with the Tower of London test (ToL) (Shallice, 1982), which was shown to be a valid measure of higher order trouble solving. Participants performed several tasks past sorting colored balls to match the provided final constellation of the assurance in as few moves every bit possible. Balls were shifted on three rods and could only exist moved from rod to rod one at a time. Fourth dimension to complete the chore, as well as number of moves to achieve the goal, were measured. Test-retest reliability of the ToL was adequate at r = 0.739 and 0.734 (Schumacher et al., 2015).

Equally in that location is no suitable scoring method for the Belfry of London in the literature, which allowed more subtle differences in scoring—rather than simply correct or incorrect—the authors comprised a refined scoring methodology (see Appendix I in Supplementary Material).

Visuospatial Short Term and Working Memory: Klingberg Short Term and Working Retentivity Job

Visuospatial working memory and short-term memory was measured using a dot matrix, whereby participants were required to select dots appearing in a four by four grid in forward and reverse club (Alloway, 2007; Dumontheil and Klingberg, 2012). The job involved remembering the location of the dots. Difficulty increased through adding boosted dots up to a maximum of seven every bit well as changes in location of the dots. Examination-retest validity and reliability was highly correlated with the components span forwards and bridge backward of the test, r = 0.79 (Waters and Caplan, 2003; Sung, 2011). Each level represented iv trials with increasing number of dots (Level 1 = iv × 2, Level 2 = four × 3, Level iii = 4 × 4, Level 5 = four × 5, and Level six = four × half dozen). Multiplying the right trials times the level reached was included into the algorithm, as our version divided the full corporeality of trials with the overall reaction time. This number however, did non represent a correct value and had to exist multiplied with the amount of levels to right for the total reaction time resulting in a corrected last value for each participant.

Inhibition: Go/No-Get Task

Inhibition was assessed with a go /no get epitome (Nosek and Banaji, 2001; Lakatos et al., 2013), which measured the ability to inhibit a motor response to a presented visual stimulus. In one outcome, the participant was required to perform a response (become condition) and withhold a motor response when the object was crossed through (no go status). Accuracy and reaction time were measured to give an indication of the participants' inhibitive qualities.

The version used here was created specifically for children and depicts a plane, which either flies left or correct. If the plane is crossed through, the respondent should not press the left or right button on the screen. Difficulty was increased progressively adding a latency fourth dimension of 10 ms (cross appears later on than the plane). The better the child performs, the later the cross appears. Equally, if the participant presses earlier the cross appears (performing worse on the no-get stimulus) the latency fourth dimension diminished and the cross was added earlier later the airplane appears. Examination-retest coefficients were satisfactory for the stop task Mean probability of inhibition r = 0.72, Mean reaction fourth dimension MRT r = 0.66, Total Errors r = 0.49, Slope of inhibition function r = 0.32 and standardized Stop Bespeak Reaction Time SSRT r = 0.21. To determine the final stop signal reaction time, the total amount of stop signal delay time (equally filibuster times vary per trial, the amount of delay was different per participant amounting to an boilerplate stop signal delay time) was subtracted from the mean reaction time (MRT) divided by the pct of errors. SSDT subtracted from MRT resulted in a raw value which could be corrected for corporeality of errors made, resulting in a standardized Stop Indicate Reaction Time. The level of inhibition was determined through an error per centum corrected for standardized Terminate Point Reaction Time (SSRT), whereby a lower SSRT indicated a better power to inhibit during the stop stimulus. We opted for this approach every bit a more bourgeois scoring may have reflected high accurateness scores, nevertheless low processing speed resulted in low efficiency scores(Logan and Cowan, 1984; Votruba and Langenecker, 2013).

Verbal IQ

The Wechsler Intelligence Calibration for Children third Edition subtests indicate the child's IQ; Sub-tests I (Information), 3 (Similarities), Five (Verbal Comprehension), and Vii (Arithmetic) were administered (Wechsler, 1991).

WISC-Iii-NL shortened version is based on acceptable reliability and validity on subtests vocabulary (α = 0.96, r = 0.85), similarities (α = 0.93, r = 0.81), arithmetics (α = 0.93, r = 0.74), and data (α = 0.95, r = 0.82). The combination of these subtests showed highest internal consistency according to the split-half method and highest correlations with the total verbal IQ scale in comparing with the other subtests of the WISC-III-NL (Wechsler, 1991).

Exact IQ was called over a whole scale or a performative IQ as education methods in Dutch master schools are based on verbal problem solving in both linguistic communication and arithmetic.

National Pupil Monitoring System (CITO)

Academic performance was assessed using the student's performance on tests from the Dutch National Pupil Monitoring System (van Delden, 1994). This system has been used throughout 80% of all Dutch primary schools in club to continue track of the pupil'southward self- and peer-referenced academic evolution throughout their teaching (Vlug, 1997). Tests from the Dutch National Educatee Monitoring Organization are administered during three testing periods throughout each academic year.

CITO tests measure abilities such as unlike language skills, listening, spelling (A), writing, vocabulary (B), decoding (C), reading comprehension (D), and arithmetic (E) according to the particular-response model (van Delden, 1994; Vlug, 1997). These tests accept been evaluated by the Dutch Committee on Tests and Exam Affairs (COTAN) and are considered to take adequate test validity, reliability and norms (COTAN Arnhem Kingdom of the netherlands, 1996, 1998, 2002, 2010). The norm scores (A–E) were used to determine academic achievement.

Music Intervention

Our music intervention has been developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Inquiry and Education in kingdom of the netherlands and an expert center for arts based education (MOCCA). This intervention was designed for all chief schools in kingdom of the netherlands. Of note, not all primary schools receive this curriculum yet, it is however the aim to provide all Dutch primary schools with this intervention past the twelvemonth 2020.

Early lessons introduced melody, meter and rhythm as well as the different instruments in both classical and popular music settings. Lessons were additionally designed effectually the noesis of the basic fundamentals of music and were part of a structured curriculum designed by skilful centers in education. Children were encouraged to choose and play instruments. Theoretical lessons were given by trained music teachers for primary schools. Active instrumental lessons were supervised by trained music teachers and performed in class. Children in the Music group did not accept the instruments home. Participants in the music group followed this program in a structured manner, receiving one–two h lessons weekly during regular school hours. A regular lesson starts with a welcoming song, followed past music theoretical and historical information in the context of the song and ends with collective music making, singing and improvising. Children therefore learn to listen, play, and improvise.

Visual Arts

This intervention was developed by the consortium of fine arts educators in the netherlands. The Visual Arts group received general lessons in painting, sculpting and arts history. This intervention, as as the music intervention is supposed to be applied throughout all Dutch principal schools by the yr 2020. The focus was on the practical application of skills contributing to the creation of visual art. Fully trained arts teachers gave both theoretical and practical classes. Children in the visual arts group were painting, sculpting and using different materials to create artworks likewise as learning about art history.


The command group did non receive any arts lessons in add-on to the usual curriculum. However, participants in the control group were likely to be painting and singing songs as information technology is a primary school setting, simply not as part of the curriculum or a structured educational plan.


Trained enquiry administration administered each test. Participants were tested individually in a tranquillity environment during schoolhouse hours. Total testing time was one.5 h per participant minimizing disturbance during school hours equally much as possible.

The whole test protocol was administered in i session with brusk breaks, where necessary, to motivate and allow the participants to regain their focus on the tasks. All tasks were presented in a child-friendly manner and aimed at creating a "calculator-game" surroundings. The protocol was administered to both the experimental equally well as the control groups in five stages: pre-intervention measurement (baseline measures); 1st follow up; 2nd follow up; third follow upwards and final follow upwardly. Participants were followed for two-and-a-half years, with each testing moment (T0 – T4) 6 months apart (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Schematic representation of testing moments (T).

Statistical Analysis

As we expected a significant effect over time and recorded a low amount of missing values, a Multiple Mixed-Sample Repeated Measures Analysis of Covariance (divide-plots ANCOVA) was used to identify effects of music teaching on cognitive development per status over time with historic period as covariate. Additionally, contrast analyses computed comparisons of groups per exam per testing moment. As is suggested by Howell (2010), a split-plot or mixed design analysis of (co)variance analyses was chosen as we take block-randomized our participants. A dissever-plot blueprint, therefore, applies experimental factors across a block randomized form, allowing calculation of sub-unit effects (EF) inside the application (here music intervention).

Data from the baseline measurement (T0) and four follow-ups (T1, T2, T3, and T4) were included in the analyses. Descriptive statistics were computed for the overall scores of the tests, including intercorrelations. Normality and homogeneity were analyzed using the Levene's test.

Pair-wise post-hoc analysis compared groups per measurement per moment in time to signal differences betwixt weather condition using the Bonferroni confidence interval adjustment.

The split-plots ANCOVA was set up as four (condition) × v (time), whereby status represents either group (MUSIC, MUSIC+, VISUAL ARTS, and NO ARTS EDUCATION) and time represents the measurement (T0 – T4).

Mediation Analysis

The Sobel test was calculated for each possible status × time to analyse results from neuropsychological exam scores to scores on the national pupil monitor (CITO) (Preacher and Hayes, 2004, 2008).

Participants with missing values have been excluded from the analysis (Effigy 2).

Figure 2. Participant flow chart.

To perform the above-mentioned assay, SPSS Statistics and R statistical software were used (SPSS 24, IBM and R Language iii.three.2.). Level of significance was set at p < 0.05.



An initial chi-square analysis revealed no significant differences between the four groups in gender distribution, χ ( 2 ) two = 0.47, p = 0.79.

Ages were grouped per grade (form iii–4 at T0 and T1; age 6–8, grade 5–6 at T2 and T3; age 7–9 and grade 7–eight at T4; age eight–10) and a chi-foursquare analysis has shown no pregnant difference between the historic period groups across time χ ( 5 ) 2 = 1.57, p = 0.844.

Levene's test indicated that the variances were equal for the four groups at baseline, F (2, 147) = 0.87, p = 0.42, commencement follow-up, F (2, 147) = 0.85, p = 0.43, second follow-up, F (2, 147) = 2.83, p = 0.06, 3rd follow-up, F (2, 147) = 0.44, p = 0.64, and forth follow-upward F (ii, 147) = 1.75, p = 0.42, pregnant equal distribution of the sample per testing moment.

Additionally, the participants socio-economic background, as measured by the mean of highest parental educational level, revealed equal distribution across the 4 groups χ ( 4 ) 2 = 0.39, p = 0.75; MUSIC Yard mother = 6.08, SD = ane.01, M father = 6.01, SD = 0.98; MUSIC + Thousand female parent = 5.99, SD = 1.02, M father = vi.05, SD = 0.98; VISUAL ARTS M female parent = 6.07, SD = 0.99, M father = five.98, SD = 0.95; and NO ARTS Control K female parent = vi.00, SD = 1.24, K father = six.03, SD = 0.96.

Table ane summarizes descriptive statistics of each test per group. A split-plot ANCOVA with boosted dissimilarity analysis was computed for each grouping showing an overall effect of group (both music groups vs. both controls) and Grouping × Fourth dimension (individual groups × overall T) too as a comparison of groups per test per testing moment. Assumptions for a separate-plot approach and ANCOVA were met.

Table 1. Describes descriptive statistic showing mean scores and standard deviation (SD) are shown for each group in time (T0–T4) across all administered tests.

A subsequent comparison of means indicated no meaning differences at baseline across the four groups.

Visuospatial Working Retentivity

A meaning Group × Time interaction was plant on the visuospatial sketchpad4 for the VISUAL ARTS grouping, WMForrad F F (two, 147) = 4.061, p < 0.01 and the fundamental executive WMBackward F B (two, 147) = four.455, p < 0.05. Overall event of Group was meaning at F (ii, 146) = 5.165, p < 0.05. Even though all four groups evidence an increase in mean scores (Tabular array one), dissimilarity analysis has shown the VISUAL ARTS group increased significantly on the central executive at T4 as compared to the no arts control F (two, 146) = 2.353, p = 0.03 and both music groups MUSIC F (2, 145) = 3.546, p < 0.05 and MUSIC + F (two, 145) = 4.854, p < 0.05 (Figure 3).

Figure three. Visuospatial working memory span over fourth dimension with standard divergence. The left graphs show the differences of all iv groups on the visuospatial sketchpad, the right graph shows increase on the central executive.

Verbal Intelligence

All iv groups have increased mean values on the verbal intelligence measure (Table one). More so, the verbal intelligence exam revealed a Group x Time interaction for both MUSIC F (two, 145) = 3.465, p = 0.041 and MUSIC + F (two, 146) = 2.952, p < 0.05 and VISUAL ARTS F (2, 146) = 2.743, p = 0.05 also equally an overall effect of Group F (2, 147) = 4.48, p < 0.01. Contrast analyses revealed an overall meaning increment of verbal IQ from baseline to T4 in both MUSIC F (2, 146) = 5.xi, p < 0.05 and MUSIC + F (2, 146) = 4.984, p < 0.05 as compared to both controls (Effigy 4).

Figure four. Exact intelligence score over fourth dimension with standard divergence.


The ability to programme and execute a task mentally and practically yielded a Group × Time interaction MUSIC F (2, 145) = iii.189, p = 0.05 and MUSIC + F (two, 145) = 3.485, p < 0.05.

Overall outcome of Grouping was significant at F (2, 147) = 4.177, p = 0.05. Both MUSIC groups have increased significantly on planning ability from T2 to T3 and T3 to T4 equally compared to the no arts control through contrast analysis F T2−three (2, 147) = 2.353, p = 0.03 and F T3−iv (2, 146) = 2.112, p = 0.05 or the VISUAL ARTS group F T2−iii (two, 145) = two.845, p < 0.05 and F T3−4 (ii, 146) = 2.165, p < 0.05 (Figure five).

Figure 5. Increase on the full score obtained in the Tower of London task with standard divergence.


A meaning Group × Fourth dimension interaction was found on the standardized cease betoken reaction fourth dimension value for MUSIC F (ii, 147) = ii.114, p < 0.05, and MUSIC + F (two, 147) = ii.955, p < 0.05 also as an overall effect of Grouping F (ii, 146) = 3.678, p = 0.05. Contrast analysis has shown significant decrease of SSRT scores from T2 to T3 to T4 for both MUSIC F Ttwo−three (two, 145) = 4.455, p < 0.05, F Tiii−4 (2, 145) = 3.497, p = 0.05 and MUSIC + F T2−3 (2, 145) = 4.144, p < 0.05, F T3−four (2, 145) = four.014, p < 0.05 (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Inhibition levels as measured on finish stimulus reaction time. A lower SSRT indicates a more efficient level of inhibition with standard deviation.

Verbal IQ, Planning, and Inhibition Scores as Mediator

Sobel mediation analyses were conducted to examine whether the increase of verbal IQ, planning and inhibition scores could explain an increment in overall CITO scores for the music groups, thus implying a possible far transfer effect. The assay revealed that children in either music condition and in the visual arts condition did significantly differ in average performances on CITO scores at T4 as compared to the NO ARTS control, through contrast analysis MUSIC F (2, 147) = 3.658, p < 0.05, MUSIC + F (ii, 147) = 3.145, p < 0.05, VISUAL ARTS F (2, 147) = 3.712, p = 0.05 also as Group × Time MUSIC F (2, 146) = ii.735, p < 0.05, MUSIC + F (2, 146) = 2.984, p = 0.05, VISUAL ARTS F (two, 146) = 2.577, p = 0.05. Subsequent comparison of means did not indicate a significant difference between groups at baseline. Overall Grouping upshot yielded F (2, 145) = 5.973, p < 0.05. Furthermore, using verbal IQ, planning and inhibition as mediators in revealing a possible issue from music education to the national pupil monitoring scores, the investigated executive sub-functions take shown a positive Sobel examination mediation effect for MUSIC t IQ = 13.54, p = 0.05; t INH = 11.35, p = 0.05; t PLA = 12.75, p = 0.04 and MUSIC + t IQ = 12.94, p < 0.05; t INH = xi.78, p < 0.05; t PLA = 13.01, p = 0.05 suggesting far transfer from music education to bookish achievement equally measured by a centralized monitor.


The goal of the present study was to examine whether structured music lessons can touch on executive sub-functions that may underlie academic accomplishment. The results show that children post-obit structured music lessons perform better on tasks measuring exact IQ, planning and inhibition when compared to controls during 4 follow ups.

Participants accept been matched on parents' socio-economic status, medication and prior medical issues too equally exposure to a musically enriched environment and private music lessons. Overall consequence of Grouping, as well as Group × Time furnishings, were significant for the MUSIC and MUSIC + grouping when compared to the VISUAL ARTS group and NO ARTS command on verbal intelligence, planning and inhibition. Additionally, the VISUAL ARTS group improved significantly on visuospatial retentiveness. Ho et al. (2003), have previously argued similar results, past final that musical preparation did not ameliorate visual memory. The authors all the same did not compare the music grouping to a visual arts group. Practicing visual arts engages neural networks, which overlap the representation of imagery and working memory in a three-dimensional space (Winner and Drake, 2013). Our VISUAL ARTS grouping followed a structured two-and-a-half-twelvemonth long program in visual arts, which therefore, can promote neuroplasticity in the domain of visuospatial working memory every bit compared to a non-arts or sole music intervention (Dulamea and Dulamea, 2011).

Arguing executive sub-functions as paramount for the perception, processing, and execution of music, our study has establish significant increases on inhibition and planning likewise equally verbal IQ after 2-and-a-half years of music intervention. Against this backdrop, computerized music programs, lasting only 20 days, have likewise shown increased operation on inhibition in school-anile children (Moreno et al., 2011). Our music programme has used a more traditional arroyo; education children to play an musical instrument, sing actively and listen to music in course, which is in contrast with mainly listening in the computerized interventions. Even though we found a positive effect of long-term music lessons to inhibition, Moreno et al.'s (2011) event-related potential recordings might be much more than sensitive to curt-term changes in inhibitory control. Nevertheless, our neuropsychological test battery has shown significant improvement of inhibition levels in both music groups. Comeback in executive sub-functions tin can be explained through research promoting neural plasticity via long-term interventions (Schlaug et al., 2009; Dulamea and Dulamea, 2011; Winner and Drake, 2013; Schlaug, 2015). Researchers have shown that practicing music for a longer menses of time increases connectivity of the corpus callosum thus strengthening communication between both hemispheres and, more and so, appealing to connectivity in the ventro-lateral (VL-PFC) and medial prefrontal cortex (G-PFC) (Zuk et al., 2015). As a past-product, overlapping prefrontal cortex structures associated with inhibition and planning in those networks likewise meliorate (Zuk et al., 2015). Executive sub-functions such as planning, inhibition and working memory are thus equally recruited while playing music every bit when solving an arithmetic problem (Zuk et al., 2015). Information technology is this frail balance between music training and executive sub-functions which serve as mediator to bookish achievement. Even though nosotros take non used encephalon imaging in our study, the used neuropsychological test battery has indicated an increase in inhibition, planning and working retentiveness, all three of which are associated with ventro-lateral and medial prefrontal cortex activity (Zuk et al., 2015). Contradictory to these results, Zuk et al. (2015), did not observe a divergence in inhibition levels in their sample of 27 children. The authors argue that more than conscientious field of study choice, matching and the sample size may explain differences in inhibitory operation between the music and non-music group. Furthermore, information technology is hard to interpret their results as the music group had different levels of musical training and musical aptitude could not exist excluded (Zuk et al., 2015). In contrast, our study has offered a structured and standardized music curriculum to the music groups equally role of the regular school curriculum reaching every participating student, therefore minimizing possible motivational factors. A structured music curriculum, meaning increasing in difficulty equally the children improve on the musical tasks, approaches music pedagogy from a more pedagogical angle. While studies accept generally used basic music programs, such every bit singing together or clapping (Mehr et al., 2013), developing a standardized music curriculum for primary schools together with the expertise of the ministry of education and an expert center for arts-based instruction, amalgamates knowledge from instruction, application and general skill development of young children (Hetland and Winner, 2004; Winner, 2011). Structured and standardized programmes conspicuously ascertain educatee input and learning outcomes, which are central to regular education, and demand to be equally practical to music education. This stands in juxtaposition to the usually developed and used musical interventions for the sole purpose of researching their effects on cognition or academic skills, seldom continuing these interventions once the investigation is finalized. A structured music curriculum therefore, places the student at the center of music education, investing in the evolution of musical skills across the student bridge.

All factors combined, such long-term investments into education together with our results support the merits that long-term music interventions improve academic achievement and executive sub-functions, such as inhibition and planning, every bit measured with neuropsychological tests. Even though more studies investigating executive sub-functions, on the relation between music education and academic achievement are necessary, our study has attempted to shut this gap.


I limitation in this written report is the generalized student monitor system. Even though it scores students on individual tasks such as critical listening or writing, we did not compare the scores of the CITO to other tests that, for instance, measure out phonological sensation in the context of writing or critical listening. Comparing the CITO scores, which are a generalized special model for Dutch children, with more than internationally standardized linguistic communication performance tests (e.g., Phonological cess battery; Gallagher and Frederickson, 1995), may yield a more than in-depth view of phonological skills, writing, or reading. Even so, this arroyo would increase testing time to more than 3 h, taking all academic skills with all their sub-components into consideration (eastward.g., phonological awareness, semantics and lexemes in language and logic, abstruse thinking, and computation in mathematics). Moreover, longer testing times tin influence overall disturbance and concentration of participants. Additionally, this written report has focussed on verbal IQ alone, non administering a full IQ scale, which might possibly evidence a unlike result on intelligence measures (Schellenberg, 2006; Dumont et al., 2017).


Executive functions are usually researched equally lump sum cognitive functions and structured investigation of sub-functions in longitudinal designs are still rare. The here presented results prove a possible far transfer effect from a structured music pedagogy program to academic achievement, mediated through executive sub-functions. Withal, analyzing the longitudinal effects of music education embedded into the regular school curriculum, throughout unlike cultural settings, will farther strengthen our understanding of the effects music can have on the developing encephalon.

In the end, information technology is not the justification of music or arts instruction in light of far transfer to academic accomplishment that is the objective. It is the necessity of combining music, visual and general arts toward a mixed-art teaching model. This will emphasize the importance of the arts in human being culture, and enduringly support the positive influence of the arts on cognitive evolution.

Author Contributions

AJ, HH, and ES have equally contributed to the conception and blueprint of the work. Data collection every bit well as analysis and interpretation take been supervised and executed past AJ. The respective author has drafted and revised the manuscript with critical revisions and final blessing for publication by both HH and ES.


HH is supported by a Horizon grant of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO; world wide

Conflict of Interest Argument

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of whatsoever commercial or fiscal relationships that could exist construed as a potential disharmonize of involvement.

Supplementary Material

The Supplementary Material for this article tin can be institute online at:


i. ^Representing Due north = 230 pupils in full, sample size calculation with sufficient statistical ability; Chiliad*Power version three.1.2, a = 0.50, b = 0.80, calculated Northward = 117, recruited North = 230 and N = 176 tested at baseline.

2. ^Descriptive statistics are described in the general Results section.

3. ^e.1000., was extremely high or extremely low and thus be classified as either a organisation error or for instance IQ values of to a higher place 170 points, whereas the maximum IQ score can reach only 160 points for that age.

four. ^WM f = Short term Memory & WM b = Working Memory


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