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Members of Congress are appropriated funds for staff. In 2010, there were approximately 10,000 U.Southward. Congressional staffers.[1]

In the summer of 2012, Ballotpedia examined how much senators and representatives paid their staff in fiscal year 2011. The organization Legistorm compiled and aggregated the bacon data using official House and Senate records. Legistorm posted the sum salaries that each senator and representative paid their staff for Fiscal Year 2011. Different politicians take different sized staffs based on their needs and therefore some numbers are larger than others. It is also of import to keep in mind that each state has a different number of Representatives based on their population.[two]

Below you lot will observe the following:

  • Average staff salary by party
  • Top x congressional staff salaries by party
  • Meridian five states with the highest boilerplate staff salaries


U.South. Senate

Political party Total Salaries Total Senators Average/Political party
Democratic $139,746,618 51 $two,794,932.36
Republican $107,991,008 47 $2,297,681.02
Independent $5,176,544.00 2 $two,588,272
TOTAL $252,914,170.00 100 $2,529,141.70

U.South. House

Party Full Salaries Full Representatives Average/Party
Autonomous 195,679,554 191 $1,024,500.28
Republican 217,797,428 242 $899,989.37
Full $413,476,982 433 $954,912.20


Senate staffers

Peak ten Paid Congressional Staff of Senators in 2011

Senator Congressional Salary
Barbara Boxer (D-Cali) $iv,412,720
Dianne Feinstein (D-Cali) $four,125,359
Bill Nelson (D-FL) $3,454,635
Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) $3,420,696
Chuck Schumer (D-NY) $three,406,655
John Cornyn (R-TX) $three,342,783
Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) $iii,321,631
Bob Casey, Jr. (D-Penn) $3,256,045
Carl Levin (D-MI) $three,212,530
Bob Menendez (D-NJ) $3,116,650

x To the lowest degree Paid Congressional Staff Salaries of Senators in 2011

Senator Congressional Staff Salary
Dean Heller (R-Nev) $625,167
Kelly A. Ayotte (R-New Hamp) $1,334,769
John Hoeven (R-ND) $one,354,548
Ron Johnson (R-Wis) $1,427,919
Rand Paul (R-Kent) $1,454,975
Richard Shelby (R-AL) $1,610,938
John Boozman (R-Ark) $1,637,735
Mike Lee (R-Utah) $1,693,693
Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn) $1,703,678
Dan Coats (R-IN) $i,744,992

Staff of Democratic senators

Top x Paid Congressional Staff of Autonomous Senators in 2011

Senator Congressional Salary
Barbara Boxer (D-Cali) $4,412,720
Dianne Feinstein (D-Cali) $iv,125,359
Bill Nelson (D-FL) $three,454,635
Chuck Schumer (D-New York) $3,406,655
Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) $3,321,631
Bob Casey, Jr. (D-Penn) $3,256,045
Carl Levin (D-MI) $3,212,530
Bob Menendez (D-NJ) $three,116,650
Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) $3,053,743
Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) $3,027,608

10 Least Paid Congressional Staff Salaries of Autonomous Senators in 2011

Senator Congressional Staff Salary
Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn) $1,703,678
Joe Manchin (D-WV) $one,790,208
Daniel Akaka (D-Hawaii) $ane,983,238
Chris Coons (D-Del) $2,065,764
Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) $2,188,856
Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) $2,201,382
Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn) $2,404,347
Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) $ii,417,121
Harry Reid (D-Nev) $ii,465,489
Tom Cynic (D-Del) $two,486,675

Staff of Republican senators

Top x Paid Congressional Staff of Republican Senators in 2011

Senator Congressional Salary
Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) $3,420,696
John Cornyn (R-Texas) $three,342,783
Richard Lugar (R-IN) $2,878,113
Jon Kyl (R-AZ) $2,863,770
Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) $two,762,770
Roger Wicker (R-Miss) $ii,745,264
Thad Cochran (R-Miss) $2,698,737
Pat Roberts (R-Kansas) $ii,691,541
Johnny Isakson (R-Georgia) $2,676,628
Jim DeMint (R-SC) $2,672,275

x To the lowest degree Paid Congressional Staff Salaries of Republican Senators in 2011

Senator Congressional Staff Bacon
Dean Heller (R-Nev) $625,167
Kelly A. Ayotte (R-NH) $ane,334,769
John Hoeven (R-ND) $1,354,548
Ron Johnson (R-Wis) $one,427,919
Rand Paul (R-Ken) $1,454,975
Richard Shelby (R-Alabama) $1,610,938
John Boozman (R-Ark) $1,637,735
Mike Lee (R-Utah) $1,693,693
Dan Coats (R-IN) $ane,744,992
Jerry Moran (R-Kansas) $1,874,999

Rank by state

The five states with the highest staff salaries are:

  1. California
  2. Florida
  3. Texas
  4. New York
  5. Pennsylvania

The five states with the lowest staff salaries are:

  1. Alabama
  2. Wyoming
  3. New Hampshire
  4. Alaska
  5. Minnesota
Financial Twelvemonth 2011 United States Senators Salaries by State
State Full Staff Salaries State Bacon Average Rank
Alabama $3,950,722.00 $one,975,361 l
Alaska $v,199,859.00 $2,599,929.50 47
Arizona $5,413,162.00 $two,706,581.00 31
Arkansas $4,168,346.00 $2,084,173 36
California $viii,538,079.00 $iv,269,039.50 1
Colorado $v,339,117 $2,669,558.50 18
Connecticut $iv,484,543.00 $2,242,271.50 xiv
Delaware $2,486,675.00 $1,243,337.l 39
Florida $v,700,200.00 $ii,850,100.00 2
Georgia $five,110,943.00 $2,555,471.l 44
Hawaii $four,865,795.00 $2,432,897.50 10
Idaho $4,953,279.00 $2,476,639.50 15
Illinois $5,334,861.00 $2,667,430.fifty ix
Indiana $4,623,105.00 $2,311,552.50 xi
Iowa $5,436,065.00 $ii,718,032.fifty 26
Kansas $4,566,540.00 $2,283,270.00 20
Kentucky $iii,937,750.00 $1,968,875.00 40
Louisiana $5,017,388.00 $2,508,694.00 27
Maine $five,020,278.00 $2,510,139.00 41
Maryland $five,385,280 $2,692,640.00 33
Massachusetts $v,382,979 $2,691,489.fifty 12
Michigan $6,228,575.00 $three,114,287.50 6
Minnesota $five,184,472.00 $2,592,236.00 46
Mississippi $5,444,001.00 $2,722,000.50 19
Missouri $4,598,093.00 $2,299,046.00 37
Montana $5,108,358.00 $2,554,179.00 28
Nebraska $4,777,227.00 $2,388,613.50 38
Nevada $iii,090,656.00 $ane,545,328.00 42
New Hampshire $3,523,625.00 $one,761,812.50 48
New Bailiwick of jersey $half-dozen,170,393.00 $3,085,196.50 7
New Mexico $5,243,148.00 $2,621,574.00 32
New York $half-dozen,728,286.00 $3,364,143.00 4
North Carolina $v,490,237.00 $2,745,118.50 34
Due north Dakota $4,063,914.00 $ii,031,957.00 17
Ohio $four,931,532.00 $2,465,766.00 eight
Oklahoma $5,161,456.00 $2,580,728.00 35
Oregon $5,457,565.00 $2,728,782.l 21
Pennsylvania $5,183,219.00 $2,591,609.50 five
Rhode Island $4,771,778.00 $2,385,889.00 30
Southward Carolina $5,265,549.00 $2,632,774.50 29
South Dakota $5,207,398.00 $2,603,699.50 16
Tennessee $5,061,921.00 $2,530,960.50 23
Texas $6,763,479.00 $3,381,739.50 3
Utah $4,133,191.00 $2,066,595.50 43
Vermont $4,812,800.00 $2,406,400.00 45
Virginia $v,532,788.00 $2,766,394.00 13
Washington $5,141,840.00 $two,570,920.00 25
West Virginia $four,455,055.00 $2,227,527.50 22
Wisconsin $4,086,886.00 $two,043,443.00 24
Wyoming $4,315,998.00 $2,157,999.00 49

All Senators


Staff of representatives

Top 10 Paid Congressional Staff Salaries of Representatives in 2011

Representative Congressional Salary
Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) $i,302,039
Mike Thompson (D-Cali) $one,295,143
Barney Frank (D-Mass) $1,273,727
Jerry Lewis (R-Cali) $1,230,578
Edward J. Markey (D-Mass) $i,229,246
Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif) $1,226,333
Shelley Berkley (D-Nev) $1,223,809
Jim McDermott (D-Launder) $1,223,315
Janice D. Schakowsky (D-IL) $1,219,538
Brad Miller (D-NCJ) $1,218,771

x Least Paid Congressional Staff Salaries of Representatives in 2011

Representative Congressional Salary
Mark Amodei (R-Nev) $180,346
Bob Turner (R-New York) $218,386
Kathy Hochul (D-New York) $382,189
Janice Hahn (D-Cali) $400,199
Scott DesJarlais (R-Tenn) $573,613
David McKinley (R-WV) $628,100
Joe Walsh (R-IL) $637,362
Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ) $644,088
Daniel Webster (R-Florida) $656,345
Michael G. Fitzpatrick (R-Penn) $668,157

Staff of Democratic representatives

Tiptop 10 Paid Congressional Staff Salaries of Democratic Reps in 2011

Representative Congressional Salary
Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) $1,302,039
Mike Thompson (D-Cali) $1,295,143
Barney Frank (D-Mass) $1,273,727
Edward J. Markey (D-Mass) $ane,229,246
Henry A. Waxman (D-Cali) $1,226,333
Shelley Berkley (D-Nev) $ane,223,809
Jim McDermott (D-Wash) $1,223,315
Janice D. Schakowsky (D-IL) $1,219,538
Brad Miller (D-NC) $1,218,771
John D. Dingell (D-MI) $ane,212,009

ten Least Paid Congressional Staff of Democratic Representatives in 2011

Representative Congressional Salary
Kathy Hochul (D-New York) $382,189
Janice Hahn (D-Cali) $400,199
Ed Pastor (D-AZ) $757,011
Donna F. Edwards (D-MD) $764,951
William R. Keating (D-Mass) $778,417
Henry Cuellar (D-TX) $795,677
Bill Owens (D-NY) $799,365
Rob Andrews (D-NJ) $816,097
Cedric L. Richmond (D-Louisiana) $834,040
John Garamendi (D-Cali) $836,718

Staff of Republican representatives

Top 10 Paid Congressional Staff Salaries of Republican Representatives in 2011

Representative Congressional Salary
Jerry Lewis (R-Cali) $i,230,578
Ron Paul (R-Texas) $i,194,577
Trent Franks (R-Arizona) $ane,192,891
Dana Rohrabacher (R-Cali) $1,169,212
John Shimkus (R-IL) $1,162,756
Ralph M. Hall (R-Texas) $1,162,587
Glenn Thompson (R-Penn) $i,154,339
Michael K. Simpson (R-Idaho) $1,142,539
Mike Pence (R-Indiana) $1,122,773
Jo Ann Emerson (R-Missouri) $1,117,918

10 To the lowest degree Congressional Paid Staff of Republican Representatives in 2011

Representative Congressional Salary
Mark Amodei (R-Nev) $180,346
Bob Turner (R-New York) $218,386
Scott DesJarlais (R-Tenn) $573,613
David McKinley (R-WV) $628,100
Joe Walsh (R-IL) $637,362
Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ) $644,088
Daniel Webster (R-FL) $656,345
Michael Fitzpatrick (R-Penn) $668,157
Steven Palazzo (R-Miss) $686,596
Robert Schilling (R-IL) $695,577

Rank past country

The five states with the highest staff salaries are:

  1. Alaska
  2. Massachusetts
  3. Maine
  4. Connecticut
  5. California

The five states with the everyman staff salaries are:

  1. Nevada
  2. North Dakota
  3. South Dakota
  4. Arizona
  5. Illinois
Fiscal Twelvemonth 2011 United States Representatives Salaries by State
State Total Staff Salaries Country Salary Average Rank
Alabama $six,681,873 $954,553.29 22
Alaska $1,104,360 $1,104,360 ane
Arizona $6,366,379 $795,797.38 47
Arkansas $three,595,345 $898,836.25 38
California $54,240,717 $1,023,409.75 5
Colorado $half dozen,897,377 $985,339.57 14
Connecticut $5,121,217 $one,024,243.40 iv
Delaware $849,981 $849,981 43
Florida $22,665,151 $906,606.04 36
Georgia $12,376,037.00 $952,002.85 24
Hawaii $1,775,592 $887,796 xl
Idaho $one,901,271 $950,635.50 25
Illinois $xv,166,367 $798,229.84 46
Indiana $8,215,188 $912,798.67 35
Iowa $4,913,383 $982,676.60 16
Kansas $3,238,205 $809,551.25 45
Kentucky $6,001,405 $ane,000,234.17 10
Louisiana $six,327,530 $903,932.86 37
Maine $2,081,705 $1,040,852.50 3
Maryland $seven,964,317 $995,539.63 11
Massachusetts $ten,870,492 $1,087,049.xx 2
Michigan $14,829,574 $988,638.27 thirteen
Minnesota $seven,603,240 $950,405 26
Mississippi $three,528,248 $882,062 41
Missouri $viii,607,547 $956,394.11 21
Montana $983,633 $983,633 15
Nebraska $ii,871,039 $957,013 20
Nevada $2,127,218 $709,072.67 fifty
New Hampshire $1,628,683 $814,341.50 44
New Jersey $11,153,413 $857,954.85 42
New Mexico $2,860,024 $953,341.33 23
New York $27,275,993 $940,551.48 28
North Carolina $13,189,329 $1,014,563.77 seven
North Dakota $744,983 $744,983 49
Ohio $16,741,651 $930,091.72 30
Oklahoma $four,840,131 $968,026.20 xix
Oregon $5,065,419 $1,013,083.lxxx 8
Pennsylvania $17,354,835 $913,412.37 34
Rhode Island $2,013,121 $1,006,560.50 9
South Carolina $5,576,299 $929,383.17 31
S Dakota $772,075 $772,075 48
Tennessee $8,070,684 $896,742.67 39
Texas $30,146,376 $942,074.25 27
Utah $2,945,301 $981,767 17
Vermont $989,570 $989,570 12
Virginia $10,320,301 $938,209.18 29
Washington $8,745,912 $971,768 18
Westward Virginia $2,755,366 $918,455.33 33
Wisconsin $seven,382,320 $922,790 32
Wyoming $i,015,627 $1,015,627 6

All representatives

Encounter also

  • Congress Projection
  • 113th Congress
  • U.s.a. Business firm of Representatives
  • Us Senate
  • United States Congress

External links

  • LegiStorm


  1. Politico, "2,000 House staffers make six figures," March 26, 2010
  2. LegiStorm, "Congressional Salaries"